This morning I wake up feeling happy about living in a changing world. In the last little while we have seen people consider what Democracy in practice can do. The term Hung Parliament can be heard to describe the political leadership of places like England, Canada, and Australia. Federally Australian politics is now free from the tyranny of majority government. Soon, once all votes are counted in the State of Victoria we will most likely see a Hung Parliament as the result of yesterdays election.
Both the major political partys in Federal and State politics in Australia will now have to brush up on their diplomacy skills, as playing nice is now an imperative for parliament to function. Today we are closer to having Members of Parliament who will have to do more to appear to be speaking to the needs of their ridding and perhaps become more representative of the people, instead of towing the party-line on every issue.
I am happy to be able to see a real democracy in practice, as the days of Australians blindly having faith one major party is gone baby, gone. With more voices in parliament we may actually get more of the peoples views heard in the political arena. Hung Parliament? Perhaps a more accurate turn of phrase would be Balanced Parliament.
Happy Days.
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